Gifts for Fathers Day

High quality canvas prints made in Ireland, in our own lab.  Every canvas is hand stretched by our team and have a satisfaction guarantee.

Make your own canvas online in minutes using our new, easy to use, design tool.  Shipped to you in 24 hours.

Immerse yourself in the allure of yesteryears with our retro photo prints, offering a timeless aesthetic that complements both modern and traditional spaces.

Custom printed white photo mugs, design online

Put your own photo and text onto a jigsaw

Accentuate your decor with our small framed prints, the perfect addition to personalise your workspace or add a touch of elegance to smaller rooms.

White stainless steel travel mugs featuring a seal cap.  Enjoy your tea and coffee on the go.

Personalised rubber mouse mat

Mug appears as plain Black but add hot water and your image reveals

Combine your favourite moments into one with our collage poster prints. A perfect way to commemorate special occasions, holidays, or to compile your yearly memories in a single, artistic display.

100% satisfaction guarantee

100% satisfaction guarantee

High quality printing

High quality printing

Fast delivery

Fast delivery

Customer reviews
Based on 1,309 customers
  • Rebecca C.
    Great quality and fast delivery
  • Mark O.
    Quick, clear and lovely product . Would use again
  • Billy H.
    The photo canvas is perfect, everyone loves it! The speed of printing and delivery and communication was staggering. These guys know their stuff!
  • Will B.
    Exactly what I extected. Quick delivery.
  • Sian E.
    Clear, clean reproduction of the photo - well pleased
  • Paula F.
    Terrific quality canvas, great service and great value, have used Pixa many times and will do again. Highly recommend!
  • Esther D.
    Excellent quality, very fast delivery
  • Ieva V.
    Pixa prints never disappoints! Canvas is great quality, shipped super fast, I really like that they send order updates at each step and each canvas has its own hanging kit included.
  • Paddy C.
    Great quality and quick delivery. An update at each stage of order processing, I will be ordering more
  • Sadie K.
    Really happy,very fast delivery n good price
  • Noel R.
    Fantastic quality best of all the different companies I bought from great packaging and delivered on time
    Customer product
  • Jacqueline S.
    So happy...Great canvas done from my photo....very prompt service and delivery and great price
  • Joseph B.
    Surpassed expectations. Delivered on time. Very satisfied
    Customer product
  • Eoin D.
    Ordered retro photos yesterday and delivered in less than 24 hrs and the quality of them is perfect. Very good price also
  • Karen C.
    Love love my pic exactly what I wanted

Whether you are looking for something meaningful, something unique or something funny, Pixa Prints has got something for everyone this Fathers Day. 

Choosing a gift for someone can always be incredibly difficult, but a picture says a thousand words. Take your favourite images that capture some of life's greatest events and get them printed into personalised gifts.